I totally Wire-wrapped a 5mm Lapis Lazuli gemstone chip! That stone was so tiny, and my nails have grown out way too far and kept getting in the way… but I totally did it! I used the cheap aluminum Dritz wire I picked up that’s perfect for experimenting with and it looks good… really good! I actually did two of them and they are so small they’re perfect Barbie sized… so crazy perfect for Pukifee, Lati, Azone, Obitsu, Pullip, and Blythe!
Can you tell I’m totally stoked over this? Gonna definitely use one of these for my new girl! …wait… have I totally not shared the news? At my last dollieh meetup I finally, finally got a Pukifee Ante Elf faceplate! =flails = I’ve been spazzing over how cute she is since she arrived. I switched my mother’s Bonnie faceplate off the currently shared body and popped her on my head back and… oh.. the… love! Wanna make her a caramel coloured wig later! But she is definitely rocking that purple ~
Later gators ~
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