I finally got around to getting pictures taken of the face-ups, although, they were taken at night with my horrible night lighting. I have SERIOUSLY got to stop taking photos at night unless I get a proper lighting setup. But yes, face-up pictures finally! I also took some much needed pics of clothing items I bought as well, though it was also the same time as the face-ups, so bad lighting/setup.
On to the promised images!:
Rem’s face-up came out bad, I will say. You can’t tell in the photo, but in person you can see how mangled it is. T_T I ruined my gorgeous blushing job so that it turned out gritty, then the paint wouldn’t adhere to the face-up properly as I was painting, or would be all choppy and not smooth. Definitely need some retardant BAD, but I also desperately need proper sealant, which was half the problem.
On the other hand, Odan’s came out better than the photo! O___O It looks a billion times better in person. Ah well~
Also, you get to see a bit of the CiG eyes!!! Rem’s got his grey ones in, and if I had ever doubted that silver-grey was the right color, this has solidified my decision. Still a tad too dark, but the right light helps them shine nicely. Odan’s wearing one of Timir’s rose-colored eyes and a blue 18mm I’ve had lying around. There’s only one of ’em, so that’s why the mis-matched-ness. It’s the approximate color I will be wanting for his default color, so was comparing. I DEFinitely do not want 18mms, though. They make his appearance look flat in person. His wig is also a temporary cheap fur, but will certainly be black. Still developing his character, though. ^_~
This was the first company BJD clothing item I had ever bought! (Discounting Kah’z’s boots.) They are Tata’s BJD Dark Silver SD17 pants and looked absolutely stunning on the website! They’re not as dark in person as they were in the sale image, but they’re still amazing. Totally in love with them atm! They’re also sporting a belt I made and need to finish the ends of. Will be using leather for one end tip and shaping a D or O-ring for the loop on the other end.
This is a pair of absolutely GORGEOUS Doll Heart SD10/13 shoes. They have some slight chipping of the leather, but really not that bad and easily repaired. I was nearly giddy when these arrived!
I saw this black Green Time shirt for sale and was wowed. And at a super great price, I couldn’t resist! In person, it’s just so elegant. I also wanted a temporary button up shirt until I had time to make a larger sized pattern, so bought the second shirt, an InfinitiDoll SID dress shirt, along with this beautiful black one. I wasn’t expecting the dress shirt to be so soft, to be honest! O_O Originally I wanted a Green Time button up shirt, but each one I tried to buy sold out right before I inquired. >_< Ah well~
(And, for fun, on my sculpted torso~)
Finally, we reach a cute little head I sculpted a little over a week ago! She’s quite small and meant for an Obitsu/27-30cm body size. I may hybrid her out on an undecided body until I have time to sculpt her one. I’m so enamored with her face! *_*
And that’s all for now, my lovelies~!
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