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  • Comparisons: Resinsoul bodies – 60cm Mi & 1/4 Heads

    So, someone was asking for neck similarities between RS 1/4 and 60cm. Enter TasTas with yet another reason to play “Potential Hybrids!” I still need to collage some of these, upload, and share to DoA, but here, have some hybrid funz!

    The Comparison and Hybrid Lab has opened once more, and we have a number of victims Volunteers lined right up! If you like small heads, stay tuned!

    The following doll body comparisons are NSFW. Please view responsibly!

    RS Jun on Normal 60cm without head cap. Because, why bother? ^_^; With wig, it looks more viable! She’s really grown up~

    Neck is… Painful! If you squint you, ah, might not notice? Truthfully, a well placed wig covers much! (Like above.)

    Not to be outdone, FL Tan Marcia wants in on the fun! Such a tiny face, though! (Who cares about color match anyway? Or her misaligned eye?)

    Marcia is interesting, but I sense potential lies elsewhere! And.. I don’t think I’m wrong!

    BW MNF Lishe! Be still, mine heart! Good neck fit, but full body shows full proportion potential! (Today is also No Headcap Day!)

    Thought I’d leave our pretty kitty out? Not on your life! Gokidoll Miaow looks stunning on this taller, wisp thin body. (She is the owner of the 1/4 Rong body below – a hybrid that will knock your socks off.)

    She looks great! But she might need to see a chiropractor!

    Again, wig covers (almost) all!

    Really, for fantasy ethereal, this really works! Just look at that (creepy eyed) sweet face!!


    Side by side of Mi 60cm with 1/4 Rong body~ And kitty, cuz


    You don’t really think I’m done…….

    ….. Do you?

    Why, helllooooooo, gorgeous!

    Perfect neck fit! Though, to be fair I didn’t sit the s-hook, so didn’t test range of motion. Wait, nope, I lied. How could I resist fitting this head back on just to check movement? Unfortunately, motion has left a lot to be desired. Not one to be outdone, right? A quick neck donut under the head will solve a world of problems! But, come on! This is such a lovely possibility!!! Not going to work for my dear dragon, but I love that it’s viable. I wanted him slightly muscular, but it’s… tempting to sand some chests particulars off!

    Final Assessment: This is a great option for a number of 1/4 sized heads. If you don’t mind a stylized body or you’ve been looking for one heck of a fantasy body, look no further! It’ll be a gamble if the head you want to use with it will fit, but it’s one worth taking. Especially if you have a head near the sizes posted here! There are much larger sized 1/4 heads that would look even more amazing. Perhaps I’ll have a chance to try one of them later and update this comparison article more.

    Hope you found some enjoyment from the unofficial EoF Lab! Until next time~

    Related Images:

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