So late posting! Chiaru is fitting right in at home… in his box! =cries= Been severely sick and had been taking antibiotics, so everything has been sitting around waiting on me. Nicer, warmer weather now, so hopefully when I’m feeling better I can finish up some faceups and start the new ones~
In the meantime, went ahead and started a layaway with Mirodoll! Purchasing a 60cm female body with the large chest, a small chest piece, and heeled feet. Then, for my mother, I purchased the 1/4 Lili. Also purchased a set of 1/4 male hands… possibly to re-hand Kah’z. Trying hard not to think about his broken fingers…
=refuses to accept the inevitable=
Mebbeh I’ll figure out which I need of apoxy or miliput to repair his fingers… mebbeh…
Wanted to add in the male 65cm body I’ve been wanting, but too much family wise going on atm, so holding off.
The female body I got in the Mirodoll Normal since it should match Jacera (Dollmore Lilis Liv), and hope to see what other girlies in the house it matches. I know I want to buy one in the Normal Yellow at some point as well. Up for bodies are Jacera, Meron, and Yvaarh. Going to see how the 1/4 Lili looks with Inathe’s head on it for comparison. Hope it looks good, so she can be bodied.
Also! I now finally have Rembrandt pastels! A beautifully large box set I got half off~ Now, for some Albrecht Dürer watercolor pencils and we are in business, babeh~!
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