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  • Welcome to Ends of Fate, my nefarious, catch-all, doll-inspired, story site of D00M!

  • Collected here is everything you ever wanted to know (or didn't want to know) of my world named Aislindalie and its inhabitants. You will find stories, photographs, and character profiles, as well as anything else I feel like sharing. Please do not re-post any of these images as your own or claim they belong to you.  I do allow re-posting for blogging and the like.  (Please ask permission for other use.  I promise I don't bite!)  

  • All characters, stories, and images are © TasiaChiba, Shasta, PrincessKitteh Rayne, or Katarera, unless otherwise stated.  Please enjoy what's here!

  • New Project: Hemp Gemstone Jewelry!

    So, not like I don’t have a lot of projects on my plate, but I recently got inspired to do a series of necklaces to offer on Etsy. My shop has been idling since I haven’t had time to make new things to sell. My recent foray into acquiring some new gemstones for my own personal collection and desiring to wrap some of them for personal necklaces made me realize I don’t often see this for the dollieh market. Lots of glass and seed beads, but not much for real gemstones.

    The process is actually going really well! I’ve pre-wire wrapped 40 small gemstone chips already, 8 different types with 10 of each. I also made a few proto-types and have narrowed down how I want this first batch to look. I’ve also got plans for future batches, so stay tuned! I definitely want to acquire small magnetic clasps, but looks like I’ll be using lobster claw or regular c-clasps for these. Since I have so many, yannno~

    Of course, I’ve also contemplated making my own wire clasps.

    Necklaces consist of real hemp cord and real gemstones chips. I have more than 8 types, but started with just these first. I’m currently in the process of putting them together~ Even have in-progress photos I wanted to share!  The gemstones I’ve started with are the following: Amazonite, Rainbow Flourite, Goldstone, Yellow Turquoise, Tiger’s Eye, Yellow Calcite, Red Aventurine, and Feldspar.  I also have Lapis Lazuli, Peridot, Tree Agate, and a bag of mixed and randomized mystery gems! 


    Wire-wrapped pendants~

    More photos after the cut!

    All 40!  Yep, they are all there… looks like such a small pile, heee!

    One wire-wrapped end!  After I did this I decided to take photos of the in-process.

    I cut the ends of the cord where they came up too high.  I learned from this first one how I need to make the others… when I wrap the wire the first time the cord needs to go around the wire, then I can pull it down snug!  Ahhhh learning curves~

    Here’s with a lobster claw clasp.

    And finally finished on a Mirodoll 60cm girl small bust~

    A grouping of pendants on a cord!  With knots done to keep in place.  I found the process for making the first knot pretty time consuming, so opted for doing all the first knots at once!  Coming along MUCH faster now!

    Gonna finish all the first knots first then start putting them together.  I do need to make some more wire beads, though~  This photo shows the remaining 31 cords!

    Will report back later with the finished batches!

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