Yeppers, if you were wondering where I’d disappeared to… I took a bit of a small break from playing with dolls. I did participate in a swap back around August, but haven’t uploaded any pictures yet of what I made or what I received in return. Had been QUITE busy about that time. I’ve expanded my crew by 3 Monster High doll’s which I’m setting about customizing. They’re currently standing in front of Kah’z like he’s their pimp. The fact that they are naked or almost naked does not help this. Lovely thing about them is that they’re easily fitted into the Ends of Fate world setting. I love it! I have Draculara, Lagoona, and Abby. I’m on the lookout for a B&W Frankie to round out my collection. The Draculara is the only one to have a name so far and it’s Nimeneh. I’ve also started making an outfit for her, so stay tuned. Faceups are waiting on sealant spray. So… a small hiatus, or not!
One reason for my dolly-crafting hiatus is some mega projects I’ve been working on for Christmas presents. They’re taking longer than expected. I plan on slapping some pics of the finished products up here for show in tell in the future. After Christmas, of course. Also… NaNoWriMo always takes me away from my hobbies until it’s over. =Feels the whip on her back now for taking a break= Ball and chain, folks. Ball and chain.
I’ve been recently following a few BJD blogs and looking for some more to add to my cache. Anyone want a follower? Hit me up! I’m always game for a new blog or two. Especially doll making blogs. I adore seeing dolls in progress. Will be adding links here soon.
And, that’s about it, aside from some pictures needing uploading or taking, a few stories parts to get uploaded, and getting back to work on my sculpting projects. Ahhh, so much work, yet so little time. Will try to have a real update sooooon~
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