I’m notorious for giving lots of helpful tips out, but never posting them here to my website! Will be working on that, and to start it off, going to share some tips on wig making. I still plan on doing a more in-depth, fuller tutorial on the process from start to finish at a later […]
Category Archives: Dollz
So, someone was asking for neck similarities between RS 1/4 and 60cm. Enter TasTas with yet another reason to play “Potential Hybrids!” I still need to collage some of these, upload, and share to DoA, but here, have some hybrid funz! The Comparison and Hybrid Lab has opened once more, and we have a number […]
A number of dolls have made it in! Dollmore Thelma is here, and I’ve already aquired her body. She looks amazing on the Resinsoul single-jointed body. I had to buy a full RS Ju, so now have a floating Ju head! Dollmore Chris also came in~ A Switch Hahwa head has arrived, not too much […]