The work on Grame’s headback has begun. Grame is a Dollshe Saint, but I also have two more unplanned faceplates that this headback will be perfect for as well! Still no sandpaper yet for Inathé’s headback, though. Stage one of Grame’s has been placed in the oven and I wait anxiously patiently for it to bake so I can continue the work, joy! My sister had a lovely, great sized bouncy ball that I could use for the brain and it was a perfect size and everything! I’ve been itching, too, to begin work on a new SD sized head, so the discovery of this bouncy ball and it’s spot-on SD brain size was a godsend! =dances=
I hope to have the sculpting completed by tonight so that when I find my sandpaper to purchase, I’ll be all ready to go, wh00t! I do have some primer I think will work perfect, but plan on testing it on some scrap Sculpey before I use it on the headbacks. Then all should be set until I can get supplies to start casting. Until then, folks~
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