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  • Welcome to Ends of Fate, my nefarious, catch-all, doll-inspired, story site of D00M!

  • Collected here is everything you ever wanted to know (or didn't want to know) of my world named Aislindalie and its inhabitants. You will find stories, photographs, and character profiles, as well as anything else I feel like sharing. Please do not re-post any of these images as your own or claim they belong to you.  I do allow re-posting for blogging and the like.  (Please ask permission for other use.  I promise I don't bite!)  

  • All characters, stories, and images are © TasiaChiba, Shasta, PrincessKitteh Rayne, or Katarera, unless otherwise stated.  Please enjoy what's here!

  • Headback Wonders

    I have finally gotten around to beginning the construction of a head back for my Unoa Lusis faceplate.  I’m having to work on it in stages, but so far the main construction is complete!  What’s left is re-building the neck joint, then overall refining.  That is literally it!  I did most of the work today, still working on the neck.  I need to go and purchase some new sandpaper, however, so that part will be put on the back burner for now.  Still, I’m very excited, and Inathé is soon to have a whole head!  Now, it’s just down to Graeme to have his~  ^_~

    Now, on to the photos~

    Stage one!  The initial block sculpting of the headback.  I wrapped the faceplate in saran wrap and chunked the clay in a roundish pattern on the back of it.  I wanted to get this going, but didn’t have anything on hand I could use as a center filler, so had to cup-mold the headback part as though there was something there.  Couldn’t do much because it would keep collapsing, so I got it in a semblance of shape, then threw it in the oven to harden it before continuing.  Made things MUCH easier after~

    Unoa Headback WIP - 01Unoa Headback WIP - 02Unoa Headback WIP - 03 Unoa Headback WIP - 03

    After it was baked, I began adding clay for the neck and smoothing it into the skull back part.  I tucked clay between the neck and back to fill in the gap.  I used a razor blade to shave away excess as I went.

    Unoa Headback WIP - 04

    Here you can also see where the beginning of the neck joint was started.

    Unoa Headback WIP - 05

    Baked all up now, with some small cut aways of the neck joint and additional clay being added to gaps and whatnots with general smoothings taking place before yet another baking process.

    Unoa Headback WIP - 06 Unoa Headback WIP - 07

    Here you can see it fits together nicely!  Just needs a WHOLE lotta sanding going on~ ^_~

    Unoa Headback WIP - 08 Unoa Headback WIP - 09 Unoa Headback WIP - 10 Unoa Headback WIP - 11

    Quick wig shot to see how things are progressing!  Messy, messy wig, though~ >_>

    Unoa Headback WIP - 12

    These next two show just how bad the neck joint is.  The neck joint is what needs to most work.  I need to fill in some from the back, then do an overall reshaping of the back of the head, possibly add a little more depth on the back top, then sand like my life depends on it.

    Unoa Headback WIP - 13 Unoa Headback WIP - 14

    And that’s it, folks! That’s really all that’s left for this to be complete!  Just some neck work, a few tweaks, and some smoothing out of all things gravy~  I’m really excited, and Inathé has been stealing Kah’z’s body for this purpose alone.  I’m almost stoked enough to make an MSD body, but I have a few other things that are claiming my attention first… so no, no MSD body for now~  Next few weeks are going to be busy, then hopefully I can finish this project up and go for the next.  Graeme is begging me to please attend to him since Inathé’s headback turned out so nicely…. how could I deny such a gorgeous plea?  ^_^

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