So, got around to working on Kah’zzeh a bit. I wiped his faceup and came to terms with just how yellowed he has gotten. The sealant was crazy yellow, so just removing that did wonders. Beside Indar’e he looked like a yellow alien!
Oh, My Indar’e!
You read that right! If you know me personally, then you would know how hard I’ve fought to find Kah’zril’s lovely twin sister! Last week, on a lark, I decided to make a new WTB thread at DoA. Now, I have done this before, but with no luck. Matter of fact, each time someone showed interest, they only offered me brand new heads at full price of being brand new! This does not help when what you’re looking for is an old, yellowed head. Damaged, even, if need be…. but old… and yellowed! Suffice to say, I’ve been feeling hopeless. Then, a day and a half to two days later after posting my WTB thread, I got a bite…. and boy, was it a WHOPPER! A perfect, undamaged megi head, old enough to NOT have a magnet in the headcap, head plate still intact, yellowed but decent…. perfection! I about rolled, really I did.
Seller sent me pictures right off the bat, I could see everything was in order, so we set up the sale. She’s home now, in my hands, and I can’t believe how lucky I’ve gotten! Now, her color is slightly different. She’s a Normal Pink skin. Kah’z was from before they offered two normal colors and is sorta an in-between. This is okay, I can just blush her head to match, so no biggy.
But she’s home! Kah’z’s twin sister is home, and here, and together with him forever! She just needs a body~ I had originally intended to just buy a Mirodoll girl body. Even tried it on Mom’s Lili. The proportions were actually pretty decent! Then I stood her beside Kah’z…. And, nope. More than a head shorter than him! Darn him and his tall-ness! So, back to the drawing board. May just have to put in another WTB thread for an old body!
Still waiting on the CiG Eyes order to arrive. They shipped already, but haven’t updated in over a week. Contacted Lu to see what might be going on. T_T So sad here as I wait!
Bought an order of magnets to replace magnets in headcaps, and got the wrong size! However, they’re so tiny, they’re PERFECT for Tellimah! I was shocked! So, they’ll go to good use! A reorder of the correct size should be here Friday.
Too many purchases, ah well, but I’ve started work on those mini paintings for Etsy. Right now I’m doing some test sketch paintings to see what effects I want to do, then gonna whip a few up and post them right up.
All for now~
Lyse In My Eyes
So, someone should really, really keep my fingers and hands away from the internet and purchasing buttons! That said… I’m sorta shocked at my purchase! Something I’ve wanted for awhile, but not high up on my list of need to get naoz~ More like, I desperately want.. but sometime! Mostly because, in this case, I wanted the full doll since heads aren’t often offered…. And then it happened! Stock sale… plus layaway without a minimum price now? Speechless!
So, I am now, officially, the proud owner of a Lillycat Cerisedolls Lyse head in pink tan! I’ve always LOVED Lyse! However, to be fair… she’s not the one I tried to purchase! >_< I actually had my fingers itching for an Ombre being offered, but the sale dropped while I was at work, so by the time I got home she was all gone! T_T So, next came Lyse~ Still love her dearly, though I was never sure if I wanted her in caramel or pink tan! Well, since she was only available in pink tan, I guess the decision was made for me, haha~ I adore how regal she comes across. Not sure at all who or what she’ll turn into, but I’m excited at the prospect!
Anyone who knows me knows I’ve always wanted a dolly from Lillycat. I’ve been following her from back when she was sculpting Sandre, her first bjd, and posting on Materiel Celeste~ Goodness, how badly I was in love with Sandre and wanted one! I was working on my Corshier at the time and was just so inspired by her work. There was no way I could have ever afforded one of her Sandre’s, but I’ve still longed for something sculpted by her~ Soon, there shall be Lyse!
I still really want an Ombre in caramel one day. She’s simply gorgeous and I’m drawn to that ethereal innocent look she has.
And I was supposed to do a layaway for Eylyn this go around, haha! Ah well~ Will wait until Lyse is paid off… or halfway there~ ^_~
And my eye order should be shipping soon… yay!