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  • Welcome to Ends of Fate, my nefarious, catch-all, doll-inspired, story site of D00M!

  • Collected here is everything you ever wanted to know (or didn't want to know) of my world named Aislindalie and its inhabitants. You will find stories, photographs, and character profiles, as well as anything else I feel like sharing. Please do not re-post any of these images as your own or claim they belong to you.  I do allow re-posting for blogging and the like.  (Please ask permission for other use.  I promise I don't bite!)  

  • All characters, stories, and images are © TasiaChiba, Shasta, PrincessKitteh Rayne, or Katarera, unless otherwise stated.  Please enjoy what's here!

  • Refreshing Some Resin

    Recently, I came across a posting here that referenced using toothpaste and baking soda to de-yellow resin.  Her post also referenced a youtube video fully detailing the method.  I’m particularly interested in Shannon’s post because the BJD she used as her volunteer victim was approximately from the same year as my Vamp Shiwoo, same color, and from the same company – Luts!  From the photo, the head, a 2008 Juri, is pretty much the same color as my Shiwoo.  After the treatment, the Juri head was almost a perfect match to a 2014 Fairyland body.  How awesome is that?  Essentially the process lightens/bleaches the pigments in the resin… and with yellow being the predominant color, it’s going to be much paler than it was originally when it was produced.  I don’t mind in the least.  A little de-saturation is perfectly acceptable here. I can always blush it a bit if I need to, but covering up yellow is much more difficult.  Well, at least without a proper airbrush.

    In the past I have used Oxyclean to remove a bit of the yellowing from Kah’z, but I can’t resist the amazing results with the baking soday + peroxide toothpaste + more baking soda.  Therefore, mad scientist project shall commence shortly~  I was actually about to wipe Kah’z faceup because he is loooong overdue for a new one, but glad I didn’t already do so and spray him.

    Speaking of spray… I plan on purchasing at least one more can of MSC, but I have longed to switch over to Liquitex Matte Medium for quite some time now.  I’m a fan of Liquitex anyway, and their Matte Medium sealant has been calling to me.  Only thing holding me back is my lack of… ah… and airbrush.  Said item I should have procured long ago.  Ah well~  Hopefully I can purchase one before I need another can of MSC.  At least, this is my plan.

    Two days ago I had a MAD MSC Head spraying party.  20 heads ranging from SD to 1/12, resin to vinyl were sprayed and sealed.  At least 6 were resin.  2 consisted of my Pullip and Taeyang ABS heads.  Some were to seal previous work while others were initial base coats.  What it means is… loads of work for this ducky here.

    If all goes well, we shall be seeing new and finished works on the rise, yay!  Abrethine is the closest to completion.  I hate her eyebrows, but the rest of her is cute.  I’ve also decided on a lavender wig for her hair color.  I just have to procure the wig.  /o\

    Sculpting wise, I’m about to whip together some headbacks, so there will be those.  Don’t want to fuss over them, just want them functional!  Need three for the Saint heads and one for my Unoa.  Hopefully this will be started this week!

    And that’s all for now from this girl~  Will update with the results from Kah’z spa treatment after it’s completed!

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    Yvaarh Is Here!

    Today, completely unexpected, Yvaarh arrived in the mail!  My Dollmore Bella Auden is officially here, and my biggest problem is… decided whether it will be female or male!  I haven’t ever seen a male Bella Auden, and I have a strong suspicion I’m leaning quite heavily in that direction.  Uniquely, I have a name for a character before even a gender has been decided.  Shocking!  I see the potential with this sculpt in both directions, but am very curious how a male will work out~  We shall see, eh?  ^_~

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    Bella Auden Is Ordered!

    I’m back from a very unexpected hiatus. Real life intervenes and always takes precedence over hobbies… but I seem to be back and in timely fashion, too! Just in time to take advantage of Dollmore’s free shipping during the month of February event! I ordered a Bella Auden head in the sales corner, only wishing I could have bought more heads. However, I didn’t discover the sales and event soon enough to budget for more than one item, I’m afraid. Well… there is also two rings thrown in as well, but just frivolities on the whole.

    I’ve always loved the Bella Auden mold. Was never quite sure I would own one, but she has such a uniqueness to her that cries out to me… much like the Lilis Liv sculpt. In fact, they’re very similar in appearance. Ah well~ ^_~ I can’t wait for her to arrive. Not at all sure what I want to do with her… whether to make her female or even male, or what character she will inspire, but I’m more excited over it than I expected to be! I ordered her February 28th and she shipped on March 4th. No tracking number, though, so patience is my best friend….. =taps all ten digits and fidgets!=

    In other news, I’ve done some mold overhauls. Bael has, more to my surprise than I ever expected to be, evolved into an Iple House Claude or Eric. Honestly, I always thought the Volks F-38 head was simply too perfect…. until I laid eyes on Claude! That smirk did me in and now Bael will forevermore be a Claude or Eric… whichever I get my hands one first, when I get to purchase him. Remiel needs his Bael… =sighs= I’ve also added some more profiles, cleaned up some listings, re-arranged a few things, and am generally getting the site ready for an update. It needs a much more adaptive layout and I’m well past due for it.

    I’ve recently been working on the MNF Karsh’s eye mods, readying Corshier for finalization, and many more crafting joys!

    The site, in general, is also shifting focus. This will no longer just be BJD oriented first but, rather, focus on the story first, with BJDs and project as an aside. I’m planning options for visitors who want just story info or just BJD info etc. Options, ftw!

    And on that note…. I have been working on the stories once more. It’s been awhile, and been hard to work on them, but I’m slowly coming out of my writing funk and the stories are begging to come out. Here’s to future success!

    Hope everyone will enjoy the new changes and more content. YAY~!

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