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  • Welcome to Ends of Fate, my nefarious, catch-all, doll-inspired, story site of D00M!

  • Collected here is everything you ever wanted to know (or didn't want to know) of my world named Aislindalie and its inhabitants. You will find stories, photographs, and character profiles, as well as anything else I feel like sharing. Please do not re-post any of these images as your own or claim they belong to you.  I do allow re-posting for blogging and the like.  (Please ask permission for other use.  I promise I don't bite!)  

  • All characters, stories, and images are © TasiaChiba, Shasta, PrincessKitteh Rayne, or Katarera, unless otherwise stated.  Please enjoy what's here!

  • Present Arrived With A Pleasant Surprise!

    I participated in a giveaway run by Ghoulia’s Adventures and, taking me completely by surprise, I actually won!  There were three of us in total.  It was fun entering and wonderful to win something, and today the gift arrived in the mail!  I heard the mailman struggling to put the package in the mail box and knew today was the day.  (Usually the box is just opened and closed in seconds.)  I took a few fledgling photos in my temp. setup on top of the computer case before the camera battery died.

    The only sad news was that, upon opening the package, I saw that the CAM cat’s faceup was very gummy/sticky and melty on her lips, nose and eyebrows.  It smeared onto her cheek and upper nose area, and her hair was stuck to it as well.  Probably all due to the weird weather we’ve been having, but no fear!  As soon as I have the sealant to finish Lagoona, I’ll have the sealant to take care of this little missy!

    Along with the CAM cat girl I received some awesome clothes as well.  Considering the only MH clothes I had were the girl’s Skull Beach clothing they came in, it was a nice change.  I haven’t had the chance to really make them anything yet, so it was a delight to receive them.  That, and there were two bags and shoes included!  Me and my bag fetish… >_<;  Both pair of shoes were ones I really wanted, too.  The biggest surprise was my attempt to put the Rochelle stone shoes on the Midnight Magic body on a lark.  They actually fit!!!!!  That means, for those who don’t already know, that Rochelle’s shoes will fit Nefera as well as the knock-off/look-a-like Midnight Magic dolls.  A shirt and skirt also fit this body and I have left them on my girl for now.

    The Abby, who I’ve yet to name, was also dressed, however, Lagoona’s still naked until I finish her repaint.  Which itself is on hold since I’ve been out of sealant.  =sighs=  All in good time, my friends.  On to the photos~

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    New Dollzone 1/3 Megi

    Quite by surprise, today I read the news about Dollzone‘s new Spring Event.  Among the details for the event was the news of a new 1/3 version of their 1/4 Megi, a counterpart to the 1/3 Mo they released several years ago.  Of course, this news quite tickled my fancy, so I set about looking at the listing and… all I can say is I was very much delighted!  He looks rather darling from the photos.  Very similar to his smaller version with a slight maturity to him.  He also looks rather like an up-scaled version, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he was.  However, I could not say for sure how he would look alongside other dolls without further comparisons.  Still, I may very well see about getting one of these heads in the future for an “adult” version of Kah’zril.  Which also means I’d have to get a second for Indar’e… oh dear!  This is what I get for having twins.

    DZ 1/3 Megi

    See what an adorable prince-ling he is?

    At the very least, hopefully this will give an upsurge of interest in Megi’s.  Mo’s seem to get all the attention sometimes!  If you happen to be interested in him, he will be available from January 16th until February 28th.  He’s also free if you order $500 during the event period.  Much love to the Megi’s!

    Photos of New Stuff & Frankie Hybridization

    I finally got around to taking a snap shot of the items I received from Shinku_Rhapsody  back last month, the ones that arrived on Christmas Day!  It’s just one picture, but I took it on the doll couch.  Of course, little miss spot-stealer Corshier made sure to make it into the photo…  That’s her corner of the couch, of course.  >_<Plus, I have photos of the body I picked up for the floating Frankie head~

    Photos under the cut (contains nude dolls)…
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