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  • Welcome to Ends of Fate, my nefarious, catch-all, doll-inspired, story site of D00M!

  • Collected here is everything you ever wanted to know (or didn't want to know) of my world named Aislindalie and its inhabitants. You will find stories, photographs, and character profiles, as well as anything else I feel like sharing. Please do not re-post any of these images as your own or claim they belong to you.  I do allow re-posting for blogging and the like.  (Please ask permission for other use.  I promise I don't bite!)  

  • All characters, stories, and images are © TasiaChiba, Shasta, PrincessKitteh Rayne, or Katarera, unless otherwise stated.  Please enjoy what's here!

  • Fairyland… Why you do dis to me?

    Message for Fairyland:… your release of Ria has created an upheaval in my soul!  Long have I waited for a Delf Miyu for my darling Fahaun/Amira… knowing, knowing, I would have difficulties obtaining her.. yet I waited.  And waited.  And just when it seems I may finally have one in my posession… I see Ria!  And not only is she a spot on potential for Fahaun and Amira… with your grand re-opening… I could actually get her as a full doll for a little more than the price of the Delf Miyu head alone! 

    But that alone would not be enough to sway me… had not her particular look embody the two characters far better than the Delf Miyu alone! I am in total and utter shock.  Ohhh, the trials and tribulations of the dollieh collector….

    Why… why did you put me in this predicament!  Why, why must you play with my heartstrings soooo much?~  I will not forget this, Fairyland!  No, I most certainly will not!

    /end the madwoman’s rant~


    So… in summation… I stumbled on the already released Ria from Fairyland.  I missed her actually release, or else I would have scrambled to get in on a split.  Finding out that her head will be available as an option on the FeePle60 Moe Basic about did me in.  Then I realized I could also get the sleeping head and mod the eyes open just a bit and she would be a perfect Amira!  I could legit have two heads for both personalities!  I was ecstatic!  I’m not a super huge fan of the Moe body, but it is very similar to the old Delf body and would help to tie in the gentleness of Fahaun with the sexy appeal of Amira.  And, hey… there’s nothing saying I can’t sell the body later and get a fairyline body to replace it~  (Or something similar!)

    This leaves me stuck with realizing that the Miyu that I still love and adore… is no longer the best fit for the character.  The amazing thing is that the Ria is still sculpted by the same sculptor!  Of all the sculpts CP has been putting out, none cried out to me to be similar to Miyu or to embody my character more than Miyu!  With a heavy heart I now acknowledge that the sculpt for Fahaun/Amira will be changed.  That’s not to say that if a classic Delf Miyu were to fall into my hands that my needy collector’s heart wouldn’t snag it just because! 

    Site Updates – 2018 June 13

    Just a quick update: Fleshed out several more profiles and working on uploading more.  Have already been making gallery pages and uploading photos in the background for the past month.  Should have more soon.  Also have been working on more profile thumbnails and photos, so hopefully that will be ready shortly! 

    Also made more progress on necklaces… half have wire-wrapped beads on and knotted into place.  Have to make more of these wire beads for the other half!


    New Project: Hemp Gemstone Jewelry!

    So, not like I don’t have a lot of projects on my plate, but I recently got inspired to do a series of necklaces to offer on Etsy. My shop has been idling since I haven’t had time to make new things to sell. My recent foray into acquiring some new gemstones for my own personal collection and desiring to wrap some of them for personal necklaces made me realize I don’t often see this for the dollieh market. Lots of glass and seed beads, but not much for real gemstones.

    The process is actually going really well! I’ve pre-wire wrapped 40 small gemstone chips already, 8 different types with 10 of each. I also made a few proto-types and have narrowed down how I want this first batch to look. I’ve also got plans for future batches, so stay tuned! I definitely want to acquire small magnetic clasps, but looks like I’ll be using lobster claw or regular c-clasps for these. Since I have so many, yannno~

    Of course, I’ve also contemplated making my own wire clasps.

    Necklaces consist of real hemp cord and real gemstones chips. I have more than 8 types, but started with just these first. I’m currently in the process of putting them together~ Even have in-progress photos I wanted to share!  The gemstones I’ve started with are the following: Amazonite, Rainbow Flourite, Goldstone, Yellow Turquoise, Tiger’s Eye, Yellow Calcite, Red Aventurine, and Feldspar.  I also have Lapis Lazuli, Peridot, Tree Agate, and a bag of mixed and randomized mystery gems! 


    Wire-wrapped pendants~

    More photos after the cut!

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