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  • Welcome to Ends of Fate, my nefarious, catch-all, doll-inspired, story site of D00M!

  • Collected here is everything you ever wanted to know (or didn't want to know) of my world named Aislindalie and its inhabitants. You will find stories, photographs, and character profiles, as well as anything else I feel like sharing. Please do not re-post any of these images as your own or claim they belong to you.  I do allow re-posting for blogging and the like.  (Please ask permission for other use.  I promise I don't bite!)  

  • All characters, stories, and images are © TasiaChiba, Shasta, PrincessKitteh Rayne, or Katarera, unless otherwise stated.  Please enjoy what's here!

  • And a new year~

    I am months behind in updates, even more behind in photo uploads, but getting there! Lots of things going on IRL and a lot of hobbying being out on the back burner for a little bit, but not altogether.

    December saw my Youpladolls Ziya come in! Unfortunately, she came in in the wrong color! Youpla was amazing. She replaced her and even let me keep the faceup the doll already had. The faceup is lovely in person and is a nice bonus as when she came in I was so incredibly busy that faceups weren’t on the table. Still aren’t, lol! But she is here now and soooo much more gorgeous in person. I can’t express how much I love her! And she still doesn’t have a name yet, oh no~

    December is also when I received my beautiful, stunning, goooorgeous Deesse head from Sickstress! She gave her an incredible faceup that we both worked on ideas for until she was pretty much, almost literally birthed. Character ideas and designs emerged as we worked on her. She will have an Ancient Egyptian influenced element to her when all is said and done. I already have some black Lincolnshire fibers in for her wig! Just needs hobbying timez ~ Also need an amazing name for her.

    End of December, Migidoll had a clearance sale on all their heads. Afterwards, some would never be available. Mu was never a crazy popular head, but she’s my Eylyn! And after putting her on the wait list so many times in favor of others, I knew the time had come to nab her… and now! Today I actually got the email her head has been shipped (along with a pair of men’s hands I got). She’s actually on her way after all these years!! So excited!

    That’s the bulk of the main arrival events. Last thing to mention is that a coworker had a display cabinet in one of her outbuildings. She offered it to me for free and I couldn’t resist! So now I have this stunning glass and wood display cabinet for the bebehs. I had to repaper the wood shelves and plan on replacing them later after our move (a move is in the works!!!!) And the last couple of days I have been working on benches to go in the cabinet for the dolls to sit on. Ran out of cardboard, but have the shells for two for the large sized bjd and a box set aside for a 1/4 size. One of the two larger ones has cardboard filler in it now and is drying before I cover it. All in all, it’s almost done!

    And that’s pretty much it for now on this end!

    Pukifee Headcap

    Still have lots of photos to upload, but worked today on making a head back for the Pukifee in the house.  I don’t have a Pukifee sized body on hand, so the neckhole is sized for obitsu/azone.  It shouldn’t be too hard to rework it later for any other body I get.  For now, loving these Obitsu and Azone hybrids!!  

    Not done working on it, but I have a working headback.  Just need to refine the joint areas then smooth out and sand rough areas.  Otherwise, it’s working perfect already!  I even have silicone and resin to try my hand at casting… and guess what the first project is?  Hehe!

    Hum Diddle-de-de!

    Getting behind in updates still, but lots of things IRL needing to come first. So, here’s a quick update!

    • Manon is home! *__*
    • Ordered a Youpla’s Dolls Ziya
    • Bought a Bambicrony Charity for the body to give to Svar… mom now owns the head and the Leeke D body, lol
    • Bought a Pukifee Nanuri 2016 faceplate
    • Ordered more 1/6 shoes, yay!

    Probably more to add but can’t think of it atm!

    I’m also working on some scarves for Etsy… we shall see how it goes. Yay!!