A couple of weeks ago I discovered a listing for a 3d printed CP-Fairyland neck connector on Shapeways. This is an independently designed connector piece compatible with old CP Delfs and new Fairyland headsculpts. It was relatively inexpensive at around $8 and some change, so I decided to purchase one and give it a go. It arrived back on May 13th. I’ve been super busy so haven’t had time to do more than take a few snapshots.
The other day I finally had a chance to try it on one of the bodies with my Vampire Shiwoo head. For the record, it works perfect with each of the CP heads I popped it into. It also works pretty decent on the 68cm Mirodoll body, but I would think a thinner neck would be more optimal for that piece. Also, it’s a bit rough so I would recommend sanding the edges down a bit so they don’t rub too hard at the resin neck. That being said, it works very nicely.
I did have a snag, though. None of my extra S-hooks available were open S-hooks! That means I couldn’t actually loop it onto the cross piece. Instead, I compromised by putting the elastic itself over the cross-turnkey piece. This does create a problem. One, the tension is now too tight to easily move the turnkey. I had to use my hemostats to grip the elastic at the neck and then thread everything through and turn the turnkey before releasing the hemostats. And two, the range of motion is decreased. However, for a quick fix, this works perfect! I’ll work on getting some more S-hooks and try the mobility out later.
Honestly, for a cheap 3D printed neck connector, this works perfect! I’ll definitely be purchasing a few more in the future. I still need connectors for Odan and Sorde, and also for Tyr’h when I get him finally.
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