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  • Welcome to Ends of Fate, my nefarious, catch-all, doll-inspired, story site of D00M!

  • Collected here is everything you ever wanted to know (or didn't want to know) of my world named Aislindalie and its inhabitants. You will find stories, photographs, and character profiles, as well as anything else I feel like sharing. Please do not re-post any of these images as your own or claim they belong to you.  I do allow re-posting for blogging and the like.  (Please ask permission for other use.  I promise I don't bite!)  

  • All characters, stories, and images are © TasiaChiba, Shasta, PrincessKitteh Rayne, or Katarera, unless otherwise stated.  Please enjoy what's here!

  • Update Bundle

    Been awhile since my last update.  I had surgery back in October, so a lot of things have been on hold.  I’ve had some things come in, but haven’t been able to show them off yet.

    My MUCH longed for and sought after Lilycat Cerisedolls Lyse has arrived!  GORGEOUS and beautiful!  The Pink Tan is stunning! *_*  I’ve put her on a Monster High 19″? body for now.  It works.  Slightly small, will work PERFECT for when I can get the Ombre I want! but it works for now.  I’ve tried her on my Mirodoll body and she looks really, REALLY good!  better than I was expected! The head looks much smaller, which only gives it a more realistic look, but still pretty nice!

    Yesterday, my Dollmore Glamour Eve hands arrived.  I’ve already put them on my girl and they are gorgeous!  A little “fresh” compared to my slighly now mellowed Mirodoll body, but the hands will mellow themselves in time.  As is, I have no complaints and they look stunning.  The Glamour hands are a bit longer with elongated digits.  This is perfect for my fairy queen!  Gonna hafta order another pair for the new body that will be coming in.  Speaking of which….

    I put in a HUGE Mirodoll order!!  They ran a Halloween special and cut prices nicely low, so I snagged the 68cm body I’ve been longing for, a second 60cm female body, and the new 66cm male body I’m dying for!  AND I got a free gift, so chose the new 1/4th female body!  I like the proportions best on the regular 1/4th but she’s WAY tooooo short for Kah’z annnnd… I want this body for Indar’e!  Ohhhh, to have Indar’e whole~  =crosses her fingers that it works=  If all else fails and she’s still too short alongside Kah’z I’ll just give the body to one of the floating heads around here.  I’m really hoping the 66cm works with my Delf boys, because I would love love love for this to work for Sorde!  If so, I can get it in paperwhite and ohhhh will it look awesome!  But yes, all in good time.  For now, I’ve got the long, oh so long wait until it ships.  Ehheh… X_X

    Flow-Aid Failz

    I recently made a discovery… the Liquitex Flow-Aid I bought years ago and thought I was just incompetent in using… was a dud!  Two days ago I made a trip to Michaels and bought a new bottle of Flow-Aid plus a bottle of Golden glazing medium (gloss).  I didn’t really feel all that confident purchasing it, but I still hoped that maybe a fresh bottle would be different.  I know many mediums have a shelf-life, but this bottle does today exactly what it did five years ago when it was brand new… and now I know that it is not how it should behave!

    To explain: The first bottle, when used, cause the pigments and polymers to break apart.  Now, this is normal if you over-use the medium… but in my case, it didn’t matter how little or how much!  And, contrary to tutorial videos I watched, I had to vigorously mix the paint into the flow-aid to get it to blend.  Even then, it was watery, diluted looking, and I could never achieve the finest lines I wanted.

    Now, the second bottle was vastly different!  When applied to the acrylic paints, the paints bled into the flow-aid with a beautifully smooth, inky quality.  Perhaps a fleck here or there, but nowhere the flaky explosion with the first bottle.  Which led me to the conclusion that it was a bad batch all along.  And I blamed myself all these years! >_<

    Good news is, I now have everything I’ve ever needed to complete a beautiful faceup for my BJDs.  Not to mention, the tools for when I paint regular artwork!

    I took a small video illustrating the differences for future references.  Remember, the first Flow-aid is old, but produces the same results as when I bought it, therefore, being a bad batch.  This is for reference for anyone who may cross similar results to help them diagnose whether they have a dud or not!


    Bah, Burried By Dollies!

    So… decided I had best give a quick update!  in less than a week, much has happened and things have come in!  No pictures for now – they need to be edited.  Also, my camera’s going out T_T

    First things first:  Kah’z!  I sat down and sanded his head lightly!  He already looks sooo much better!  However, there was one small hangup… I didn’t notice the sand paper going across his lips… and sanded too much off his cute button upper lip!!!  T__T  It’s tragic… /o\  Honestly, still not sure if I’m going to leave it or fix it with some apoxie.  It’s literally only like, a micro millimeter, but it’s enough that my trained eyes can pick it out immediately.  Oh well, but overall, he’s coming together nicely.  Still upset though…

    I also went ahead and sprayed him and Indar’e with MSC and then blushed them to match!  I made Kah’z a bit pinker and Indar’e waaay duller.  They are almost identical and it’s close enough to make me happy.  Now to just find a body for Indar’e!

    Next is to sand and repair Kah’z body. Gonna soak it all first, then sand it good.  Not too worried about details with the body, so I can do as I please!  His hand… I was given a good suggestion!  I was told by someone they never had luck with superglue, and she and another person mentioned putting metal wires in before apoxie-fixing them… and I’m so glad they did!  I totally didn’t think about it!  Will have to drill holes, but they will be stronger and better for it in the long run.  With the apoxie I’d have to sand them smooth… so good thing I’m having to sand his whole body!  It works out perfectly!  With luck, it will be completely un-noticeable.  Wish me luck!

    I’ve used the last of my MSC on faceups and sealing for face-ups.  I lost count of everyone on the block, lol.  Briean and an L-bi faceplate were completely finished.  More on that FP later~!  ^_~  List of sealed heads are: CP Juri-A, DS Saint x1, Megi x2, Mirodoll Lili.  DF Zi-Luo and DM Bella Auden are sealed previously and still waiting for faceups.  FL Rona is unsealed still.  So… MSC purchase is in order!

    Now, on to purchases and arrivals!

    My CiG eyes order finally arrived!  Been feeling unwell this week, so haven’t contacted Lu, but one pair got damaged in transit, and another are actually the wrong color!  One or two pair I’m almost certain were given as low dome, but oh well.  Will try to send the email tomorrow.

    Yesterday, my Unoa package arrived!  I ordered an L-bi faceplate and a Sist faceplate.  Afterwards, I kept kicking myself and just knew I should have ordered another Lusis while I was at it, but figured I would just do so later.  Until my package arrived, that is… I ended up with an L-bi and a Lusis!  O_O  I contacted the distributor and they are sending me the correct FP and have told me to keep the Lusis as compensation… can you believe it?!  I’m still rolling over this!  Gonna go ahead and order one Buff headback, but I want to work on finishing my own and casting it.  I may use this and the Saint headback as casting tests before working on Corshier.  All of which is still on hold anyway until well after my surgery.  The L-bi is currently resting on Mum’s Lili body.  I put the Unoa hands on and they’re perfect and staying right there, rawr~

    I finally went to a meetup for the first time in years, so I took the L-bi FP with me on the Lili body. Gotta work on that >_<  Took Briean too, though no body for him yet.  Almost put him on the Mirodoll 60cm body, but put Meron on it instead, hehe!  For the meetup, I had to make something better for her to wear, so made some quick leggings and a quick dress-shirt~  She looks all 50’s-ish!

    At the meetup, I bought some socks and whatnots for the little ones.  Corshier got a new pair of pants!  They look SO ADORABLE!!!! =spazzes=  And got some lace stockings for the big girl body~  Everyone still needs shoes so bad…. but Corshier got some CUTE ballerina shoes!!!!!!!!!  And they fit perfect!!!!  \o/

    And then, two heads have now joined the mix!  BOTH Fairyland!  I picked up a Realfee Soso!!!  SO cute in person!!!!!  Been eyeing one for a few months now, even have a tab open for it… so bit when it was before me~  Then… and I didn’t know it… the actual Littlefee Bisou I have been eyeing since June was there at the meet!  How could I NOT purchase her when I had planned on contacting the seller soon?!  Haha!  And I almost didn’t know it!  Towards the end the seller put her back on the sales table… and that’s when I realized she wasn’t just for display.  When I told her I wanted to buy her, she couldn’t believe it!  Great way to save on shipping, the timing!  @_@  Still not sure if the Bisou will be mine or a surprise gift for Mum-mum.  I’m looking for a Littlefee for her, just got to find the right one.  This Bisou is so adorable, though…. I really think she’d like her!  And I get to continue living vicariously through her, buwahah~

    All right, I think that catches everything up, now.  Just gotta work on pictures and whatnots to upload and making posts for each situation, which may take me some time.  Not to mention just how large my project list is.  =facepalms=  All right then.

    Later, gatorz~