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  • Welcome to Ends of Fate, my nefarious, catch-all, doll-inspired, story site of D00M!

  • Collected here is everything you ever wanted to know (or didn't want to know) of my world named Aislindalie and its inhabitants. You will find stories, photographs, and character profiles, as well as anything else I feel like sharing. Please do not re-post any of these images as your own or claim they belong to you.  I do allow re-posting for blogging and the like.  (Please ask permission for other use.  I promise I don't bite!)  

  • All characters, stories, and images are © TasiaChiba, Shasta, PrincessKitteh Rayne, or Katarera, unless otherwise stated.  Please enjoy what's here!

  • Back In Action!

    So the major Holidays are finally over!  All hobby related activities were put on hold until afterwards, and the past month I’ve simply been busy.  My sister finally received her Iplehouse Lion head as my Christmas gift to her, and now I can officially announce that here!  She never thought she would ever get him, being discontinued and a rare head and such, but this persistent sibling combed sales many sales threads, across many boards, for a few years to finally get my grubby paws on one!  Don’t underestimate the power of my determination and obstinacy!  RAWR!

    We will be ordering Mirodoll bodies sometime soon.  For now I’m only going to get a female body for Jacera, but later I want one of the 68cm bodies for Jerushe.  I have time, though, as I still don’t have his head.  I will be ordering on for the Lion head, however, so I’ll still have one in hand.  YAY!  I’m on the fence about ordering a 1/4 female body for Inathe.  Mirodoll 1/4th bodies are much smaller than the average, but I think it’ll work well with this small head size, and considering how cheap they are, I should just bite the bullet.  I still have some time to decide, though.

    I do have a new head on its way soon!  I finally found a Fairyland Minifee Karsh I couldn’t pass up.  He needs some TLC, but I’m excited at the prospect of what I can do with him, so I can’t wait.  He’s bought and paid for, but will take a bit of time for shipping, so stay tuned.  \o/

    Lastly, I’ve sunk in and I’m about the buy quite a few Pullip stock wigs.  They were for a steal and I couldn’t pass them up.  There should be some that will fit the hairless BJDs around here as well!  The same seller had some J-Dolls for purchase as well, so two will be coming, and a floating head and a T-3 body!  Just waiting on the shipping quote and confirmation before paying~

    So, that’s about it on this home front!  Waiting for warmer weather to finish some customizations, then it’s time to sew like mad!


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    Oh, What A Monday It Shall Be

    Apparently four packages will converge on my house tomorrow.  That’s if all get here un-delayed!  One is a Phicen I bought for my brother for his Christmas present!  One is a Pullip Taeyang MIO kit for my sister, not has a Christmas present, however.  One is a Volks Neo Guy body, and another is some Pullip clothing I’ve been waiting for: the Alberic stock and some Nosferatu stock parts.  There would have been a Dal arriving with the Taeyang, but I decided to hold off until after the first of the year~

    New on the home front are two Deuce Gorgons, one to keep un-customed and another to customize.  I also finally got my Caterine de Mew to custom!  The Mars Explorer Barbie is not officially part of my display collection, and I purchased a nude Model Muse Barbie, Mackie, to custom for display.  Finally, I nabbed some Volks 1/6 heads and an Obitsu head for a crazy cheap price.  Five heads in all~ Now to just nab a female body or two and we’re set!

    Almost all heads that are supposed to be worked on atm have been finally coated with MSC and have initial blush layers, but the weather’s been rainy again and I haven’t had time to seal the first layers so I can begin the painting stage.  T_T  All in good time, I suppose.  The heads are all safely tucked away in a box, though, patiently waiting for me to finish them!  They include: Taeyang & Pullip, Another Space RD Yellow, MH Lagoona & CAM Cat, CP Shiwoo, DM Liv, DF-A Zi Luo, Barbie Ryan, and the Obitsu head for Subaru.

    Think I got enough heads?  ^_^;

    Hopefully another update tomorrow as my packages come in!

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    Taeyang MIO Kit Arrival with Pullip & Unoa Preview~

    My Taeyang arrived yesterday!  I was just a tad worried when I saw that his nose had poked through his packaging sometime in transit, but there was no damage and that’s all that matters.  So I took a few quick snap shots before taking him out and putting him together.  I took the opportunity to make quick eyes for him and the Pullip before putting him fully together.  I still need to do faceups… but still behind, ah well~

    I also was able to fix the Pullips eyelids, so aside from her leg issue, she’s all together now.  Taeyang’s body is the same size and build as my Volks are.  I’m really lovin’ it!  Still working on wigs, though.  I tried the red wine wig on the Tae and he looks so innocent and sweet!  Then I tried it on the Pullip and… that was deadly.  O_O  Way more bossy than I want her to look, so off it came before that personality was solidified, lol!  I think she may be rather dangerous.  The wig is too small for either, but it’ll stay on the Tae for now.  Pictures of that later, though~

    So, without further ado, here are my lovelies!

    Unoa Lusis, since she came in first!  Hard to see the scratches in her lip-crease/cheek area, which is a good thing.  Photo does not do her faceup justice.  *_* She was surrounded in the bubble-wrap, inside the black box, inside the bubble mailer. ^_^

    Pullip with her new eyes~  (And some makeshift clothes.)
    [Pullip] MIO Temp Eyes - 00 [Pullip] MIO Temp Eyes - 01

    Taeyang, all together and with his eyes~  The eyes are greener than in the photos.  ^_^;

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