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  • Welcome to Ends of Fate, my nefarious, catch-all, doll-inspired, story site of D00M!

  • Collected here is everything you ever wanted to know (or didn't want to know) of my world named Aislindalie and its inhabitants. You will find stories, photographs, and character profiles, as well as anything else I feel like sharing. Please do not re-post any of these images as your own or claim they belong to you.  I do allow re-posting for blogging and the like.  (Please ask permission for other use.  I promise I don't bite!)  

  • All characters, stories, and images are © TasiaChiba, Shasta, PrincessKitteh Rayne, or Katarera, unless otherwise stated.  Please enjoy what's here!

  • New Stuff on the Horizon

    So, a month ago I ordered some glass eyes from Captured in Glass. They arrived and they’re absolutely gorgeous!!! The pair for Corshier is just… beyond perfect. Really, she’s just so stunning in them! The pair I chose for Rem are beautiful, but when placed in his head they become darker. Which, isn’t exactly a bad thing, but I need a lighter color for him. Otherwise, they’re amazing! The rosy color I picked out for Timir was PERFECT for her! And that color was a gamble! The only problem I ended up with is that, with the high dome (higher than Kah’z’s acrylics), the eyes end up appearing larger than the size they are. Corshier’s is okay, if a little larger than I’d wanted, but suits me just fine, and so is Timir’s. However, Rem’s is just a little larger than I need for him. And since I already wanted to get a lighter color, I’ll just go a size down when I order them to even it all out. For now, though, they work and I plan on getting full use out of them. I like the darker hue so much I’ll be keeping them even after getting Rem his proper ones!

    I also, hopefully, will be having a new head on the way. Waiting to hear back and all, but I have a pretty good idea that re-housing those lovely gray eyes in this new head might just be a perfect match. I’m really excited about it!

    Also, I’ll finish with an update on the sculpting projects. Corshier has hands and her knee has finally been fixed! I need to do some re-shaping all over, sanding as well, and finish her head cap before I can say she’s done. Now that she has eyes, I can’t wait to show off the finished product. Timir’s head has also been re-worked, and I just have a wee bit more work on the headcap plus some sanding before calling her done as well. Finally, there’s Rem’s torso. The sculpting is nearly complete on the full torso! I have some baking, cutting, and sanding to do before it’s done. Then I’ll start on the arms and legs. I’m so excited about these projects being nearly complete, I’m contemplating seeing how well I can throw a body together for Timir.

    And that’s all for now, folks! Expecting to be uploading new photos not much longer now!

    Major Overhauls

    An update some time or other for NextGen broke the gallery and I didn’t notice. Sub galleries couldn’t be accessed and it was a general mess. Had to do a major overhaul of the gallery and added some back photos, mostly WiP photos for the Artist Dolls section. Also tweaked a few profiles, fixed a coding bug or two, and began uploading the profile pictures I did quite awhile back. Decided to color them before uploading to make ’em a little bit spiffier! /o/ Will be uploading the rest of them over the course of the next week as I finish speed coloring them. I promise nothing spectacular!

    Eventually I should also have FINISHED photos of Corshier up. How many years has it been now? I started her in 2007… my God! =dies= BUT! She’s only missing a pair of hands and ears now, and one of her elbow joints broke on me so that has to be replaced. I made the mistake of not baking it long enough, so it was very weak and inevitable that it would break. Ah well…. ^_~; I keep trying to sculpt her hands, but they keep coming out too large, meaty, etc. =rails her fist in frustration=

    As for Rem, I need some more clay, though, if I’m even going to finish his torso part. The upper part’s mostly done, and I WILL be baking it before continuing, but I at least want to finish his stomach and hip parts before I get too busy. Legs and arms can wait, can’t they? ehheh X_X

    Now, as long as an update doesn’t cause random issues again with coding, we should be all good here. =slaps some more glue on and runs away=

    And We’re GO~!

    Everything is up and working! I fixed a layout break issue with Custom Post Types, the gallery script while, not precisely how I want it, …is FUNCTIONAL, and aside from needing to scan in and upload the sketches I did for the character profiles, I’m going ahead and giving the green light! YAY!!!! There’re a few tweaks here and there to attend to and a few bugs I’m sure will crop up at some point, but I’m pleased. For now, I just want to concentrate on filling the site with some much needed content! JOY!

    So… welcome to the Ends of Fate, my dearies. ^_~