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  • Welcome to Ends of Fate, my nefarious, catch-all, doll-inspired, story site of D00M!

  • Collected here is everything you ever wanted to know (or didn't want to know) of my world named Aislindalie and its inhabitants. You will find stories, photographs, and character profiles, as well as anything else I feel like sharing. Please do not re-post any of these images as your own or claim they belong to you.  I do allow re-posting for blogging and the like.  (Please ask permission for other use.  I promise I don't bite!)  

  • All characters, stories, and images are © TasiaChiba, Shasta, PrincessKitteh Rayne, or Katarera, unless otherwise stated.  Please enjoy what's here!

  • To surmise… or how I got behind!

    So, June ended up being white the busy month!!!  I had a few posts needing to be made, but IRL has been waaay busy.  So, you g to make this another quick run down.  I have things planned for some reviews just need to edit photos and take some more for a few posts.  

    • My Mirodoll order finally arrived!  Everything is stellar!  Remiel fits the 61cm  body, but I like the bulk of the 66cm more, so giving the body to…. Chiaru! It’s perfect for his character!  And dark chocolate Iris is gorgeous!
    • Olathe is paid off and should be shipped soon!  So excited!
    • Manon has one more payment ~
    • I found a well priced Bernard faceplate today.  The faceup perfectly matches Merit so I have decided he shall be her brother!  Love Insta inspiration, lol. He’s already in the mail.
    • Got my own Obitsu v2 24cm body, two 1/6 heads I’ve always wanted, a Hujoo Berry finally! 
    • Bought two more 1/3 delf neck connectors from Shapeways as well as two 1/4 minifee and a cute sandstone BJD .  Reviews I  the works for all three.
    • Heads undergoing faceup are all blushed and just need time start painting!  Darn all this rain.  Lol.  >_<

    Annnd that should catch me up for today!!!
    And a final happy birthday to Kah’z bebbeh! 10 years of love~ ???

    So Many Arrivals! & Purchases~

    May was a busy month and it hasn’t slowed down coming into June.  There were a number of purchases made and several layaways for long desired items!

    From the top:

    Unbelievably, an Esthy Peroth fell into my hands. Years I have longed for him and put him on the wishlist of things I will never be able to get… until now!  I’m simply beside myself.  He’s got very light modding… just the tip of his nose has been shortened.  Peroth had a super sharp nose so a lot of people would mod just the tip round.  He’s got that going on, but it looks very nice, so I’m happy.  Besides, I can always sculpt the tip back on with Apoxie if I need to, hehe!

    I put a Merry Doll Round Olathe on layaway.  Yes!  And Olathe!!!  *___*  She’s gonna be vanilla and I can’t wait until she’s paid off and gets here.

    I have a Cerisedolls Manon on layaway.  I.  Have.  A.  Cerisedolls.  Manon.  on layaway!!!!  *____*  I’ve always thought she was gorgeous, and then one was put up for sale and I just had to nab her.  She’s got a gorgeous faceup from Clockwork Angel and will be a very yellowed cream, but I’m excited all the same to bring her home.

    Bought one of the new Obitsu bodies for my mum’s Planetdoll Bong Bong head and zomg must have an army for myself now!!!!!!  No, seriously, if other things didn’t take precedence I would have bought a million.  Probably.  Most likely… Okay maybe a million is inconceivable, but my point is made, lol!  They are simply amazing.  I can’t wait until they release a male v2. Goodness!!!  But I do plan on purchasing several for FL puki and little fee faceplates.  Man, I want another Realpuki Soso to put on one, the proportions are amazing!  *__*

    Faceup Prep Box!

    Got a slew of heads currently in the face up box.  First layer of blushing has been completed finally!  Tomorrow is hopefully when final blushing will be completed and painting begins~

    Current faceup list:

    • Switch Haseo
    • CP Juri-A 
    • Dollshe Saint
    • Fairyland Rona
    • Dollmore Bella Auden 
    • Resinsoul Song
    • Iplehouse Claude
    • Planetdoll Bong Bong
    • Esthy Peroth 
    • Doll Family-H Zi Luo (final stage)