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  • Welcome to Ends of Fate, my nefarious, catch-all, doll-inspired, story site of D00M!

  • Collected here is everything you ever wanted to know (or didn't want to know) of my world named Aislindalie and its inhabitants. You will find stories, photographs, and character profiles, as well as anything else I feel like sharing. Please do not re-post any of these images as your own or claim they belong to you.  I do allow re-posting for blogging and the like.  (Please ask permission for other use.  I promise I don't bite!)  

  • All characters, stories, and images are © TasiaChiba, Shasta, PrincessKitteh Rayne, or Katarera, unless otherwise stated.  Please enjoy what's here!

  • Photos of New Stuff & Frankie Hybridization

    I finally got around to taking a snap shot of the items I received from Shinku_Rhapsody  back last month, the ones that arrived on Christmas Day!  It’s just one picture, but I took it on the doll couch.  Of course, little miss spot-stealer Corshier made sure to make it into the photo…  That’s her corner of the couch, of course.  >_<Plus, I have photos of the body I picked up for the floating Frankie head~

    Photos under the cut (contains nude dolls)…

    Items Received from Shinku_RhapsodyThe items I received, starting from the left, are the gray pair of legs, the gray Skull Shores Frankie head, and the Power Team boy.  PT guy’s leg is actually just outside the photo… oops!  One of the MH legs has been sanded, but that’s no problem at all seeing as they’re for making shoe lasts.  Frankie I couldn’t help placing on a headless Barbie, and thus started my desire to get her a non-MH body.  I now desperately want to get her an Obitsu and paint it gray to match, but I have other plans that must come first.  Mr. PT guy’s knee needs fixing, but I’ve already started piecing a dress shirt together for him.  Seishirou will have a lovely red-burgundy color, hee~

    Almost accidentally I stumbled on Midnight Magic dolls.  I bought one for $5 at the local Family Dollar store, brought it home, and set about modding the neck.  Another owner showed her MH Draculara head on the pink bodied MM doll, but I wasn’t able to pop mine on top, so began to whittle the knob down.  Only later did I notice that something must have loosened in the MH head and, upon further inspection, discovered a broken off MH neck/head piece!  It had been stuck into the head via all the tacky glue, so never rattled around.  After some work, I got it out with a pair of tweezers!  Frankie’s hair got a wee bit mangled in the process, though.   The MM body is a darker gray than the MH Frankie, but at least it was gray.  The contrast isn’t as severe as the gray to flesh with the Barbie body.MH-MM-Barbie Comp & Mod - 01 MH-MM-Barbie Comp & Mod - 02

    Midnight Magic dolls, in case you don’t know, are basically clone/knock-off dolls of Monster High dolls.  They have larger bodies which are almost identical to Nefera (the big sis body), differing mostly significantly by breast shape, hands, and the fact that the legs are made of vinyl.  They’re also massively cheaper.  The pieces tend to have bits of flashing that inhibit play/movement… some more than others, and the head sculpts are all identical.  The only differences in the dolls are the colors, hair styles, and clothing.

    MH-MM-Barbie Comp & Mod - 03 MH-MM-Barbie Comp & Mod - 04

    Moving on, I did some pre-mod comparison photos. I previously modded the neck knob from the headless Barbie so that the MH head fit on top. This also made it easier for other heads I wanted to pop on and off, so it was a good mod to do. I simply made the knob the same width as the head. Even modded, it gave the MH head free range of motion. Awesome!!!!

    MH-MM-Barbie Comp & Mod - 05

    Here she is on the Barbie body. The size works beautifully with the MH head size!!!!  It’s size appropriate and in scale.  I absolutely adore the smaller, delicate MH standard bodies, but having her on this body sealed the deal for this floating head here!  27cm Obitsu in her future~

    MH-MM-Barbie Comp & Mod - 06

    Close-ups of the head on the body with side profile.

    MH-MM-Barbie Comp & Mod - 07

    Comparison alongside the new temporary MM body with close-up of the MH neck fitting the Barbie body neck so you can see just how nicely it fits.

    MH-MM-Barbie Comp & Mod - 08

    Comparison of MH head on the un-modded MM neck knob.  Oh, how sad!  I did get it to fit almost half-way on the ball, but either due to the plastic piece in her head, or that it was still too big, I’m not sure.  Still, didn’t like trying to force the head, so it was for the best.  It’s just placed on top here, for the photo.

    MH-MM-Barbie Comp & Mod - 09

    The carved and mostly sanded MM neck.  Here you can see it’s almost the same width as the Barbie neck.  Also, the more I whittled off, the more air bubble holes I found.

    MH-MM-Barbie Comp & Mod - 10

    The final product, with Frankie sitting smack dab on top of her new, but temporary, body!  I want to sand the neck down about a hair’s breadth more so she goes on more easily.  As soon as I put the head on this body, my mind went “CYBORG”!  Seriously, my brain’s already making plans, hur hur!  The original head I planned on repainting anyway, so this will be a great project to pull off!  When Frankie gets her final body, I’ll at least have something for the MM doll to become!

    If Frankie doesn’t lose the new body to the project beFORE she gets her body! har har har~

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