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Tag Archives: 1/6

Svar…? Svar!!!!

In a completely random twist of fate… Svar will be coming home!!!  I periodically search for listings of just a Bambicrony Vin head, but never have any success, or he’s always in the wrong color.  Usually, if he IS listed, he’s also always a full doll… in the wrong color, haha.  Floral white is a […]

Yvaarh Is Here!

Today, completely unexpected, Yvaarh arrived in the mail!  My Dollmore Bella Auden is officially here, and my biggest problem is… decided whether it will be female or male!  I haven’t ever seen a male Bella Auden, and I have a strong suspicion I’m leaning quite heavily in that direction.  Uniquely, I have a name for […]

New Horizons, Yay!

Work’s been keeping me busy, so haven’t had much time for dollieh things. However, there’s been some awesome new items come in!!! I participated in the Volks big clearance sale and got a TON of amazing items. A few I really, really wanted, too! And then, today, I finally got two faceups on my list […]