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Tag Archives: Purchases

Dollmore Feetsies!

My pair of Dollmore heeled feet arrived today… and they are SUPER cute!  They’re simply gorgeous… and unfortunately…. the S-hook that comes with my Mirodoll body doesn’t fit!  Nyuuuuuu~  T_T  So, of course, back to Dollmore to order some S-hooks.  =le sigh=  In the meantime, I get to longingly gaze upon them as they sit […]

Bael is HOME!

He’s home, oh, he’s home!  Bael came home on the 27th, a whole day earlier.  The USPS even made a second trip to our house to bring him since the mail had already run for the day.  I wasn’t even supposed to be here, so my leaving was delayed when the carrier showed up!  I’ve […]

Some Catching Up

A little behind in posts.  Okay.  More than a little!  But been doing quite a bit of recovery, so been prioritizing!  In the meantime, I’ve received quite a few things, purchased quite a few things, and have quite an awesome announcement… at least for me~ So, from the top: I bought two sets of dress […]